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About the Daily Bible Reading Journal Program
The Daily Bible Reading Journal program is designed to be a tool to help you read and internalize every precious word of God. Its unique schedule highlights the annual Biblical events at the time of the year they would have been practiced. This, combined with the addition of journaling each chapter in the entire Bible, is a wonderful method for reading the Scriptures and embedding them in your heart and mind.
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The Daily Bible Reading Journal program is a tool to help you read and internalize every precious word of God. Its unique schedule highlights the annual Biblical events at the time of the year they would have been practiced.
What makes the Daily Bible Reading Schedule and Journal unique?
About the Schedule
This Bible reading program is unique in that it strives for a flow of thought and context while accenting timely Biblical teachings, important Biblical events and the Biblical Feasts of the LORD. Keep in mind that while the New King James version is used in the page titles and quotes throughout this program, you are encouraged to choose the translation of the Bible that best suits your understanding and/or pursuit.
Scheduled to coincide with the Torah Portions each Sabbath and the rest of the Bible on the remaining days of the week, the Daily Bible Reading Journal will cover the entire Bible over the course of a year.
The Torah Portions read each Sabbath. The first five books of the Bible are known as the Torah (also the Pentateuch). The Torah is traditionally divided into 54 portions and is read each Sabbath over the course of a year, beginning in Autumn just after Sukkot (also known as the Feast of Tabernacles).
You can learn more about the Weekly Torah Portions and special readings by going to the My Jewish Learning website.
The Readings on the remaining days of the week begin with the book of Joshua, following a somewhat historical flow while also accenting key Biblical events.
• Proverbs at the start of the Gregorian New Year
• Psalms during the 50 days between Passover and Pentecost (counting of the Omer)
• Matthew, Mark, Luke and John at the approach of Passover
• Acts after the Day of Pentecost, continuing with the writings of the apostles
• The Later Prophets as the Feast of Tabernacles approaches
• Festival Readings:
- Esther at Purim
- Song of Songs on the Sabbath during the Feast of Passover (Pesach)
- Ruth on the Day of Pentecost (Shavuot)
- Lamentations on the 9th of Av (Tisha B’Av)
- Jonah on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
- Ecclesiastes during the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)

The daily Bible readings are designed to maintain a contextual flow as much as possible, thus they may vary in length from day to day. But typically, the readings range from three to five chapters.
About the Journal
Each page in the Daily Bible Reading Journal is dedicated to one day’s reading which includes a section for your own personal chapter summaries and a section for personal meditation and prayer. It is a powerful practice to prayerfully summarize each chapter in your own words and meditate on them, thereby writing them in your heart and mind. It is also a powerful practice to pray the words of God. The Meditation and Prayer section provides opportunity to do so every day.
The benefits of journaling the Scripture each day include:
1) Reading words that God inspired and reflecting on how those words influence and affect your life and the lives of those around you.
2) Becoming more familiar with the content of the Bible so that you are better able to discern truth from error, right from wrong and good from evil.
3) Becoming more in tune with the heart of God so that you may discover a much greater appreciation for the depth of His love and faithfulness.
Additionally, as you become more acquainted with the God of the Bible, you will be able to comprehend more fully the consistency of His involvement in your well-being and destiny.
May you enjoy the amazing benefits of writing the precious words of God in your heart and mind as you read and journal the Scriptures each day!